Sunday, November 21, 2010


"Shane", #69/45, 1953
I wasn't very excited to watch this movie. It's a western. And I do not appreciate westerns. However, it was a pretty good movie. The basic set up is about a group of men who are farming/ranching and just making a small living, but they are getting all sorts of grief from a big ranch who think they are the shiz and deserve the land of the small farmers. And naturally there is a whole big fight thing going on, and everyone has to take matters into their own hands as the nearest law enforcement is 3 days away. Shane is a stranger to the town. He was a gunslinger, but wanted to get away from that, so he stays with the main leader of the small group of farmer/ranchers and trys out the farmer/rancher thing while offering moral support to the group. In the end, Shane becomes the hero by returning to his gunslinger ways, taking care of the bullies so that the famer/rancher heros can raise their family in peace.
So, not a bad movie, especially for being a western.

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