Saturday, September 25, 2010


"Cabaret", New/#63, 1972
Cabaret is probably the worst movie I've watched so far. I think the major of the film was spent with a look of shock or surprise or "what the flip is going on?" Maybe if I had any clue what the movie was about beforehand, it would not have been so horrible. Instead, I was shocked by the Nazi Germany film about a club singer who is dating this guy then both of them start sleeping with this rich millionaire, name Maximilian, which I have always considered kind of a ridiculous name. I mean really, Maximilian?
Then, throughout the story of the really weird love triangle, songs from the night club were shown, which always featured the MC of the club- this ubber creepy & very weird man. He had ridiculous make-up on too. I was, however, surprised that I knew so many of the songs, since I had no clue about the movie. So, sorry I gave away the plot if you haven't seen it, but I'm okay with that since I don't recommend you watching it, in fact, I kind of recommend that you don't watch it. Okay, maybe that's a little harsh, and the choreography in there was really good. Bob Fosse if a very talented choreography (he was the director of this movie). But, at the same time, I'm never going to watch this movie again.

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